Monday, 21 July 2014

An introspective revamp

"The only difference between a rut and a grave are the dimensions."

The need to reinvent oneself to remain relevant and enthused is a bromide one is fed continually in the course of facilitating the traversal out of a rut. The prescription remains the same, no matter the prognosis. Is there a universal roadmap then, which guides the ilk of such individuals on the course of acquiring the panacea which would seemingly enable them to wish away their tribulations and start afresh? Is there really a way by which you could reset your internal mechanisms to now process a manufactured worldview, better attuned to what constitutes the ever-dynamic definition of normalcy and success?

The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials. If transmogrification is high on agenda, severing the hardened tentacles that bog you down to compulsively wallow in a putrifyingly stagnant status quo is a prerequisite. Familiarity breeds contempt to, change, which could be instrumental in bringing about progress. It is unreasonable to be a purveyor of such a belief that one is completely immune to the parlous parleys of life. Persistently being on the offensive or perennially remaining stuck inside your shell are the two obvious extremes that are ruled out. As always, the utopian strategy would be a right mix of aggression and stoicism. An individual who can make the most of it when the going is good and who lays low but never gives up when the tide has turned against him is destined to sail through the choppy ocean which is life.

We need to be tempered in our responses to the multitude of stimuli encountered by us. The normalisation of our reactions is a long-drawn phenomenon which constitutes of us being more observant and mindful. Reflex actions are best reserved for when the judgement needs to be made in a jiffy. At other times, when situations merit that our response espouses a more serious consideration, which is to alter the course of our being significantly, it is quintessential to factor-in all the eventualities before arriving at the final decision.

A comprehensive metamorphosis of character and outlook can only be brought about by subtly tweaking the finer aspects of one's persona. Even the most grievous and egregious of faults are open to correction; subject to the willingness and objectivity of the individual concerned. Admittance of fallacy is the inception of nobility. Constant denial and negation of flaws only emboldens them further into one's consciousness. This is a self-destructive tactic which operates subliminally but wrecks holistically.

Letting go of what is irksome and troublesome is much harder than what logic and rationale would seem to suggest. We are almost inclined to take a fancy for worrying and thinking about such obnoxious balderdash, which bears absolutely no relevance to our well-being whatsoever. Even though it might seem odd, and also feel strange to the vast majority that is habituated to remaining tense about everything, it is perfectly acceptable to be free from the mental trash that pollutes our minds and is a severe impediment to our progress in the direction of time, i.e FORWARD.

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